Sunday, October 14, 2007

Scented Candles – Why Quality Matters

Many people wrongly assume that scented candles are all the same. Some people even pick up their scented candles in bulk from the discount or grocery store. Expert candle makers are often aghast at the practice, because they realize the importance of quality when it comes to candles.

Not all scented candles are made the same. Inexpensive candles often cost far less, but make no mistake: you get what you pay for. There is simply no comparison between high quality candles and the sort of discount product available at the dollar store. The reason quality candles cost a little more is because more care has been taken with them. Higher quality ingredients are used in the wick and in the wax and higher quality scents are used.

The result of better ingredients is simply a better experience for you. When you burn a low-quality candle, the scent is sometimes very faint. In other cases, the scent is so cloying and overpowering, that it can actually trigger a headache. Quality candles are made by master candle makers, who know how to create candles that exude just the perfect amount of fragrance.

Quality candles are even different in texture. They often have pleasant, buttery wax. Poor quality candles often have a waxy feel to them and may even crumble in your hand. They may be uneven in color and scent and have obvious flaws (such as loose wicks or wicks that are not attached properly). The difference in texture can mean a difference in use. Quality candles are just more pleasant to handle and use. In burning, the truth is really apparent. Candles made of cheap ingredients often burn faster and may burn far less cleanly. If your inexpensive candles are creating a lot of soot, this can actually be damaging to your health. In the end, you may find that your inexpensive candles are not even that much of a savings. Not only do they bring you less pleasure, but they often burn far more quickly, meaning that you need to buy far more of them to get the same burning time. This can quickly add up and become expensive.

Poor quality candles really show their colors when it comes to scent. If you want to enjoy scented candles, it is absolutely a must to look for quality. Low quality candles often have very unappealing scents. In fact, cheap scented candles may only come in a handful of scents. In burning, you will not even get a true scent, as well, because most inexpensive candles do not burn cleanly. They may have an undertone of petroleum under their regular scent. In contrast, quality scented candles are carefully crafted to exude a complex scent. The best scented candles have alluring, complex fragrances, much like the finest perfumes. Best of all, quality candle makers work hard to ensure that these scents remain pure and true in burning, so that you can enjoy the true scent. Quality candles also have many more scents to choose from, so that you can select the exact fragrance that matches your mood and personality.

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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Candles For Every Day

Many of us save candles for a special occasion, such as romantic dinners. However, candles really belong to the everyday. They can infuse magic and romance into our daily rounds. More importantly, candles also have a number of very practical uses. They can:

1) Deodorize. Scented candles often get rid of undesirable odors far more effectively than room sprays and deodorizers. If a room smells musty, try lighting a scented candle or two for a few hours – you will be amazed at the results.

2) Set a mood. Candles can transform any room into a warmer, cozier spot. In fact, jet-setting celebs often travel with their own candles, so that they can transform impersonal hotel rooms into pleasant environments.

3) Decorate. Candles are a fast and inexpensive way to decorate. They can change the look of a room without much effort or cost. Best of all, when you want to change the look of a room again, it is so easy and inexpensive to just change some candles around again for a refreshed appearance!

4) Get rid of pests. Some scented candles can actually keep flying critters – including mosquitoes away.

With all these benefits, you will want to include candles in your every day life. Why not try these ideas to start:

1) Place candles on mantelpieces, dressers, and nightstands. Just find some great candleholders or buy jar candles.

2) Use unlit candles as bookends. While you certainly don't want flame anywhere near your books, unlit pillar candles look fabulous beside or piled on top of books. If you have large, heavy candleholders or large, heavy pillar candles, you can even use them to prop up books. Just be sure to remove the candles before lighting them.

3) Group candles on top of coffee tables. This is a great look that instantly makes your home look more personalized.

4) Set up candles outside on the deck. Use candles to keep away mosquitoes and other flying insects. Also, create a great atmosphere for a barbeque by setting up groups of candles on the deck or on the picnic table.

5) Group candles on the edge of the bath. This will create a wonderful haven for bath time, especially if you use scented candles with aromatherapy benefits. Just be sure that the candles are grouped so that you cannot accidentally knock them over.

6) Create a special spot in your home with candles. In the nineteenth century, women created special rooms called boudoirs. These rooms were a haven where busy women could relax, dream, and completely pamper themselves. Although we are busier today than we have ever been, we often don't have special spots in our homes. You can change this today. Set aside a spare bedroom, or a corner, or even just a small shelf or bench. Place a few favorite photos there, some fresh flowers, and some scented candles. This can be a great place to retreat when you need time to read or just relax.

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